Women often tend to have more responsibilities and less time or money to spend on their own needs.though most of us now do a paid job as well as as running a home, we still do almost all the house chores and child minding. Women are brought up to care about everyone else and when times at a premium, looking after themselves is the easiest task to drop.
Feeling stressed doesn’t mean you’re a neurotic. It’s a perfectly natural response to events that threaten our safety. A the first sign of danger, our whole metabolism switches onto a war footing. We stop digesting food or making internal repairs. Our bodies are flooded with adrenaline and other emergency hormones to rush oxygen around the body and release quick energy fuel into the bloodstream.
These days we tend to have long term issues. We want some control over our lives, but things are changing all around us and many times we are swept along with the tide. We feel responsible for everyone’s well being but powerless to make everything alright, every time. A perfect recipe for stress!
Being organised is the best way of making extra time in your life and cutting down stress. Admittedly, anyone with children, a home and a job may feel she in doing all the organising humanly possible. Yet there’s frequently room to make things easier for ourselves.
My five golden rules are:
- if it needs to be done, do it today and do it now!
- be prepared
- work at your own pace
- don’t aim for perfection
- prioritise what’s most important
We’ve all got favorite ways of relaxing but some are more effective than others and some aren’t really relaxing at all.let’s be honest, flopping in front of the telly can be just the job after a day spent running after kids, cooking, cleaning and grocery shopping!
Anyone who has felt jumpy after having too many coffees or struggled to solve simple puzzles after missing brekky, knows that food affects our state of mind as well as our physical health. Missing a meal, makes blood sugar levels fall so low that the brain struggles to function efficiently, making one irritable.
Modern processed foods are unhealthily crammed pack with sugar, salt, saturated fats, refined carbohydrates and artificial additives. These types of food are low in nutrition and can deplete our supplies of vital vitamins and minerals.
Inadequate carbohydrate intake can result in poor energy levels and fatigue. Wholemeal pasta, brown rice, whole meal bread, fresh fruits and potatoes are good source of carbohydrate energy.
A heavy meal leaves you feeling sleepy, while a high protein supper can keep you awake. Rich foods can make you lethargic while caffeine gives you jitters. Too much sugar or salt may disrupt the body’s chemical and mineral balance, a causing mood swings among other harmful effects. Eating well is crucial especially under stressful conditions. Stress wears down the immune system, which explains why we fall ill at difficult times. Super stress buster foods include bananas, oats, Brazil nuts, lettuce, leafy green vegetables, mackerel and chillies.
Take a short break while you eat, even if its only 10minutes, making time to chew your food properly and to actually enjoy the flavours. Eating in a rush can trigger the release of stress hormones as well as causing indigestion.
Relaxation isn’t yet another task to fit into an already crowded day. It’s about finding ways you enjoy that work for you. Relaxation is a powerful medicine. It speeds recovery from all kinds of illnesses and better still can help prevent them in the first place. It magically fades away pain from tensed muscles ,relieves stress, targets indigestion and heart disorders.
It’s hard to relax when you’re in pain. Pain and tension fuel each other in a vicious cycle of distress. Relaxation is especially vital in conditions like backache when muscles go into spasm around the painful spot.
Imagine the pain as something you can see a rock, a blob of colour. Fix your attention on it. The size, smell, shape, sound, movement. By facing the pain you will be able to lose the fear that makes our muscles knot up.
Eat to beat the blues
Changing your diet could solve premenstrual problems (PMS). Unfortunately , chocolate only cheers you up till you step on the scales. Modern convenient food cause s a lot of hormonal havoc. These types of food are high in saturated fats which causes the body to produce too much oestrogen.
For all forms of PMS, stock up on vitamin B6 and magnesium. If your symptoms tend to be nervous tension, mood swings and anxiety, these may be all you need. Vitamin B6 is found in fish, liver, bacon, beans, tomato purée and bananas.
Weight gain, bloating and tender breasts could benefit from vitamin E from olive oil, nuts, salmon, tuna, blackberries, spinach and avocado.
Headaches, exhaustion, dizziness and craving for sweets, introduce more eggs, capsicum, rye bread and potatoes in your diet.
Depression, confusion and insomnia include vitamin C in your meals. Black currants, strawberries, parsley, red cabbage and oranges contain high quantities of vitamin C.
Menopause has been seen as a dreary time of health issues and emotional roller coaster. Not all changes are necessarily welcome, however there is no reason to be afraid of growing older if you keep a positive outlook. This could be the most energetic times of a woman’s life.
To keep depression and weight gain at bay, take up some energetic exercise at least three times a week.this helps reduce your risk of one of the major bone disease (osteoporosis). Stress and irritability can be managed by relaxing in a quite spot or taking a walk in fresh air.
Japanese women who rarely suffer menopausal symptoms eat masses of vegetables and soya products such as tofu. Cutting down on animal fats, coffee, fizzy drinks, sugar and alcohol is also beneficial.
Making time to catch up with friends who have melted away over the years is always a great pick me up. Promise yourself at least one thing a week that’s nothing but fun!
Everyone needs time to relax and recover from the stresses of the day. So don’t feel bad about spending time on yourself. Ask yourself if anything you’re doing will seem like a waste of time when you look back on it in a year. And above all, don’t feel